Published by:
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG
Fuggerstraße 26
86150 Augsburg
Chairman of the Board: Wolfgang Egger
Member of the Board: Karim Bohn, Klaus Schmitt, Anne Kavanagh
Amtsgericht Augsburg HRB No.: 19478
Tax identification No.: DE 225766385
Phone: +49 821 50910-000
Fax: +49 821 50910-999
Supervisory authority under§ 34 c of the German Trade Regulation Act, GewO: Augsburg Ordnungsamt
About this site:
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, Fuggerstrasse 26, 86150 Augsburg, Germany, immobilien[at]
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PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, Fuggerstrasse 26, 86150 Augsburg, Germany, immobilien[at]
Shutterstock: Gerkens-Photo-Hamburg, martindeja, Manfred Steinbach
Hamburg Airport - Michael Penner
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Agencies: communication agency RAIKESCHWERTNER, design agency luca design & internet agency Opus 5
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